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Getting Started

Getting started with docker

You need nomad and docker installed on your system

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Start 2 terminal sessions at the root of this repo

Run the following in the first terminal:

Make sure that docker volumes are available
You can use the provided .deployment/nomad/agent.hcl as a reference
Remember to set the NOMAD_ADDR environment variable to the address of your nomad cluster

nomad agent -dev -bind -log-level INFO -config .deployment/nomad/agent.hcl

This will bring up a nomad environment with docker volumes enabled. See nomad docs for more info.

Run the following in the second terminal:

nomad namespace apply nomad-ops

This makes sure that the namespace nomad-ops exists.

Deploy Nomad-Ops to nomad by running:

nomad job run .deployment/nomad/docker.hcl

Access the Admin UI

Go to http://localhost:8080/_/. This will bring you to the login screen of pocketbase. Login using and simple-nomad-ops.

You only need to access this UI to create additional users. The main UI is available at http://localhost:8080/

Access the Nomad-Ops UI

You can access the UI of Nomad-Ops at http://localhost:8080/ and use your newly created credentials to login.

By default the following user is created:

  • email:
  • password: simple-nomad-ops

You can change the default user by setting the environment variables DEFAULT_USER_EMAIL and DEFAULT_USER_PASSWORD.

The Admin User is only capable to access the pocketbase ui at http://{your-nomad-ops-host}/_/. To access the Nomad-Ops UI you need to use a normal user.

Installation Notes

Nomad Ops can be installed inside or outside of your nomad-cluster.

If you install Nomad Ops inside your cluster you can leverage the Workload Identities of Nomad v1.5.x.

Keep in mind that Nomad Ops stores its data on the local file system. Please use a NFS-mount or similar to enable scheduling around the cluster.

There are performace implications if using a network mount.
Prefer to use a local disk if possible.

For a simple deployment, consider restricting the deployment to a specific node.


ENVIRONMENT Variable Default Description
DEFAULT_ADMIN_EMAIL On first startup an admin user is created with this email
DEFAULT_ADMIN_PASSWORD simple-nomad-ops On first startup an admin user is created with this password
NOMAD_ADDR '' Nomad addr
NOMAD_TOKEN '' Nomad token to access the Nomad API
NOMAD_TOKEN_FILE '' If set will ignore NOMAD_TOKEN and read from this file instead
TRACE FALSE If set to TRUE enables detailed logging
SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL '' Set to your Webhook URL if you want to receive notifications about deployments
SLACK_BASE_URL 'localhost:3000/ui/' included in the slack message as a link
SLACK_ICON_SUCCESS ':check:' Icon to use for successful deployments
SLACK_ICON_ERROR ':check-no:' Icon to use for unsuccessful deployments
SLACK_ENV_INFO_TEXT 'Sent by nomad-ops (dev)' Send as a footer in the slack message

There are a couple of Pocketbase settings that you can set as well. See here.

Email Settings

Pocketbase integrates a couple of workflows for user management (confirmation, password reset, ...). To use that please adjust the environment variables according to the docs. See here for the corresponding environment variables in Nomad-Ops.


Deploy keys are saved in plain text. Please make sure that the application is only accessible by authorized personnel. This includes setting up TLS, users and a hardened runtime-environment.


Nomad Ops pulls the desired state from a git-repository on a regular basis. Additionally, certain events trigger a re-evaluation of the state as well.

After the desired state has been fetched, the current state is queried from the nomad-cluster. The reconciler performs the necessary steps to bring the cluster state closer to the desired state by adding, updating or deleting jobs.

User management

Users are currently managed by the admin interface of pocketbase


Nomad Ops does not perform any templating or rendering and expects the manifests in the repository to be ready-to-run. Adjust your CI/CD pipeline to include the rendering step before you commit the file in the repository.

Do not store secrets in plain text in your repository. Consult the nomad docs on best practices to provide secrets to your jobs.